Unleash the Awesome

Movement Brings Clarity

Episode Summary

Dave Gambrill discusses why it's critical to get moving instead of getting stuck in analysis paralysis.

Episode Notes

You can subscribe, rate, review, and listen to every episode of the "Unleash the Awesome" podcast at https://gambrill.com/podcast


0:45 "It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat." - Theodore Roosevelt.


2:30 "Leveraging the OODA Loop for Massive Success" - Episode 2 of the "Unleash the Awesome" podcast by Dave Gambrill
https://gambrill.simplecast.com/episodes/leveraging-the-ooda-loop-for-massive-success .


3:22 "The Huberman Lab" podcast.
https://hubermanlab.com/ .


4:08 "So What" - Episode 91 of the "Unleash the Awesome" podcast.
https://gambrill.simplecast.com/episodes/so-what .


7:35 "Stop Letting Blind People Proofread Your Vision" - Episode 17 of the "Unleash the Awesome" podcast.
https://gambrill.simplecast.com/episodes/stop-letting-blind-people-proofread-your-vision .


9:05 "Influence and Ownership Over Your Physiological and Psychological Being with Andrew Huberman" - Episode 332 of "Jocko Podcast" with Jocko Willink and Echo Charles. 
https://jockopodcast.com/2022/05/04/332-influence-ownership-over-your-physiological-psychological-being-w-andrew-huberman/ .


9:47 "The learning is in the doing." - James Wedmore 


10:09 Ride Peloton with me! Get $100 off accessories when you buy the bike using my referral code: QVKEGR . 
https://account.onepeloton.com/referrals/share?code=QVKEGR .


Come join the conversation in our communities...


Digital Marketing Mentorship with Dave Gambrill Facebook Group
https://www.facebook.com/groups/dmmdavegambrill .


Digital Marketing Mentorship with Dave Gambrill Telegram Channel
https://gambrill.com/telegramdmm .


And let me know what you thought of this episode and what you'd like me cover in future episodes over on Instagram.
https://www.instagram.com/gambrill/ .


Here are some of the other most popular episodes of "Unleash the Awesome"...


"Russell Brunson Shares Powerful Insights from his Book 'Traffic Secrets" - Episode 23
https://gambrill.simplecast.com/episodes/russell-brunson-shares-powerful-insights-from-his-new-book-traffic-secrets .


"Job Search Secrets and How to be a STAR in the Interview" - Episode 34
https://gambrill.simplecast.com/episodes/job-search-secrets-and-how-to-be-a-star-in-the-interview .


"Dr. Robert Cialdini Shares Powerful New Insights Regarding Influence and Persuasion". - Episode 66
https://gambrill.simplecast.com/episodes/dr-robert-cialdini-shares-powerful-new-insights-regarding-influence-and-persuasion .


"The Secret Behind How John C. Maxwell Became the World's #1 Leadership Expert" - Episode 9
https://gambrill.simplecast.com/episodes/the-secret-behind-how-john-c-maxwell-became-the-worlds-1-leadership-expert .


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