Unleash the Awesome

Leveraging the Power of a Mastermind

Episode Summary

What is a mastermind and why should you be a part of (or lead) one? Dave gives you a few powerful reasons why and explains how they can help you and your business.

Episode Notes

0:30 "You become the average of the five people you spend the most time with." - Jim Rohn

1:55 “The coordination of knowledge and effort between two or more people who work towards a definite purpose in a spirit of harmony…no two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third, invisible intangible force, which may be likened to a third mind”, also known as, the Mastermind. - "Think and Grow Rich", Napoleon Hill

4:00 Russell Brunson is the co-founder of Clickfunnels, and the author of "Expert Secrets" and "Dotcom Secrets" (and soon "Traffic Secrets".) <- affiliate links