"Dave" talks about why it makes sense to leverage the power of artificial intelligence now in your life and business, and shares some of his favorite A.I. tools and apps.
You can subscribe and listen to every episode of the "Unleash the Awesome" podcast at https://gambrill.com/podcast .
0:50 Jasper is an amazing A.I. copywriting and image generation tool that is specifically trained designed to provide sales and marketing content.
https://gambrill.com/jasper .
0:55 Demo of Jasper's art capabilities. (Note this was recorded awhile ago and the features have become even better since then.)
https://youtu.be/iICfX9-zXBM .
1:28 Runway is powerful AI image, video, and audio editing tool. The art for this episode, specifically the futuristic rendering of me, was done on that platform.
https://runwayml.com/ .
2:04 Compose.ai is a Chrome extension that provides auto suggestions in your communication tools and documents to help you compose faster. It's kinda like Google's auto-complete on steroids.
https://www.compose.ai/ .
2:28 Searchie is one of the first A.I. tools I stared using years ago, and helps save me so much time in packaging and sharing video and audio content with my audience.
https://gambrill.com/searchie .
3:15 Grab my Comprehensive Resource Guide for Entrepreneurs where I share AI tools like those mentioned here, as well as a bunch of other resources to help you grow your business online.
https://gambrill.com/2023resources .
3:30 Yep, this entire episode was "spoken" by my voice clone created on Play.ht. Kinda crazy, right?!
https://gambrill.com/playht .
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Want some help deciding what tech tools to use in your business? Check out Tech Tools Tuesday.
https://gambrill.com/ttt .
Come join the conversation in our communities...
Digital Marketing Mentorship with Dave Gambrill Facebook Group
https://www.facebook.com/groups/dmmdavegambrill .
Digital Marketing Mentorship with Dave Gambrill Telegram Channel
https://gambrill.com/telegramdmm .
And let me know what you thought of this episode and what you'd like me to cover in future episodes over on Instagram.
https://www.instagram.com/gambrill/ .
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