Unleash the Awesome

Build Your Email List!

Episode Summary

One of the MOST critical things you need to do for the long-term success of your art and/or business is to build an email list. When you control your list, audience, and platform you can control the conversation.

Episode Notes

2:00 Blog post from Kevin Kelly called "1000 True Fans".

3:27 Follow me on Instagram.

3:32. Come check out my Digital Marketing Mentorship with Dave Gambrill Facebook Group.

5:33 As you find your voice your audience finds you.

6:35 Because of my affiliate relationship with my friend Russell Brunson, you can grab his book, "Expert Secrets" for just  the  cost of shipping.

8:15 Do you consider yourself a helpful person? If so, share this podcast with your friends using the hashtag #unleashawesome.