Unleash the Awesome

A Scarcity Mindset Kills Opportunities for Success

Episode Summary

Dave talks about how your upbringing and programming might be limiting your opportunities for success and what you can do about it.

Episode Notes

You can subscribe and listen to every episode of the "Unleash the Awesome" podcast at https://gambrill.com/podcast


1:00 ANTs - Automatic Negative Thoughts  - Dr. Daniel Amen


1:29 Worrying is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do but doesn't get you anywhere. (I've seen this attributed to multiple people, and I don't know which is accurate.)


4:18 Our biology actually works to keep us safe and avoid risk.


4:54 Instead of thinking, "What can go wrong?" learn to start thinking, "What could go right?" as the default.


5:33 "Jump and Build Your Wings on the Way Down is Terrible Advice" - Episode 51 of the "Unleash the Awesome" podcast with Dave Gambrill.
https://gambrill.simplecast.com/episodes/jump-and-build-your-wings-on-the-way-down-is-terrible-advice .


5:54 "We're Building the Ship as We Sail It" - Kay Ryan
https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poetrymagazine/browse?contentId=48513 .


7:52 Mindset > Skill set > Tool set


9:24 You can not outperform a scarcity mindset.


10:05 More people are killed by vending machines than sharks every year. 
https://medium.com/purple-theory/vending-machines-vs-sharks-3e2362d762fa .


11:45 If you can't figure out how to overcome a scarcity mindset, a lot of amazing things are out of reach for you.


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https://www.facebook.com/groups/dmmdavegambrill .


Digital Marketing Mentorship with Dave Gambrill Telegram Channel
https://gambrill.com/telegramdmm .


And let me know what you thought of this episode and what you'd like me cover in future episodes over on Instagram.
https://www.instagram.com/gambrill/ .





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